
Thursday, October 5, 2023

Mary Mother of Jesus Inclusive Catholic Community “Church without Walls” October 7. 2023 Theme: Rising from the Ashes – A Time of Hope. Presiders: Dotty Shugrue ARCWP and Joan Pesce Readers: Suzanne Bires and Jim Brandi Prayer Leaders: Jerry Bires, Maryal Gagnon, LucaCruzatand Joan Meehan, IT: Cheryl Brandi​

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Passcode: 552967


The phoenix is a mythical golden bird associated with renewal and regeneration. Rising from the ashes of its previous life, the phoenix is a symbol of hope, of life and of better things to come, born from the knowledge and experience of difficult times and challenging circumstances.

Opening Song:  Josh Groban. Don’t Give Up:  You are Loved.


Opening Prayer


Dotty: Holy One, Sacred Life, Eternal, and everlasting Presence.  You who are called by many names, you who live in each one of us, may we, who come from stardust, be filled with awe as we experience our mystical oneness with all peoples, all life forms and all of creation. May we cherish every amazing day, conscious of your presence and abundance all around us. May we live in HOPE for all that is yet to be.  

ALL:  Let it be So


Let us welcome one another with a sign of peace:  Namaste, (3x’s)


Joan:  Transformation Rite


Called to faith that the Synod in Rome will embrace new visions of what the Church is called to be.


Open our eyes that we may see.



Called to hope, that the Synod listens to the vision of its people, and “open the doors” for true renewal.


Open our ears that we may hear.


Called to love and respect differences, appreciate the uniqueness of individuals and make “All are Welcome” a new reality.


Open our heart that we may love.


We are transformed because we embrace the change yet to come.


Suzanne: First Reading:


Our first reading is from Paradox-ology, Spirituality in a Quantum Universe by Miriam Therese Winter


A lot of good and significant change has occurred in recent decades, yet we know from our deepest needs and dreams that little has been transformed. As with hope and our loftier aspirations, here our reach exceeds our grasp, but we keep on reaching anyway. We do so because we must. A force within the universe and deeply encoded in all of us compels us to keep pushing forward into ever new realizations. Transformation marks milestones on the path of evolution. It is nature’s persistent, triumphant aha! It is God’s perennial surprise.


These are the inspired words of Miriam Therese Winter, and the community acknowledges them by saying.


ALL:  Let it be So



Jim B. Our second reading is an excerpt from the NCR article written by Patrick Saint-Jean, priest from Haiti

Pl This synod in Rome will be a new way for us to challenge the lack of spiritual imagination that was inculcated in us. This will be an invitation to see Christ in another culture. This will be a synodal invitation for the church of Christ.

This synodal experience will be a spiritual experience for us where we are invited together to reflect on something different: possibility. The enslaved, the native, had their own culture, their own way of praying. Yet the circumstances of the time brought them together and they gave birth to something new that gathered them as one group. 

Perhaps we can learn from the model of the enslaved as one of the many spiritual practices during this experience. We can pray for the grace of openness to other cultures in the church. This synod will be an opportunity for us to believe in possibility once again. 

This synod invites each community to find a place for growth into their gift of identity where God is at work through practice and ritual. More than ever, it is essential to recognize how inculturation can be deeply aligned with the church and how this move toward an experience of listening, discernment, and openness, which are the hallmarks of Synod-ality, stands as an important, constitutive dimension of the church of now and tomorrow.

These inspired thoughts are those of Patrick Saint-Jean from Haiti, and the community responds:

Let it be so



Alleluia Celtic Alleluia by Christopher Walker


Dotty: Our Gospel reading is from the writer known as JohnCh. 16: vs:1, 3l, 33 (The Inclusive Bible)


Jesus said to his apostles, “I have told you many things to keep your faith from being shaken. Do you really believe?

I have told you all these things that in me you may find peace. You will suffer in the world. But take courage! I have overcome the world.”


These are the inspired words of the writer known as John and the community affirms them by saying:


ALL: Let it be So

Dotty:  Homily


         What did you hear in our readings today?


Maryal:  Statement of Faith: 

We believe in the Holy One, a divine mystery
beyond all definition and rational understanding,
the heart of all that has ever existed,
that exists now, or that ever will exist.

We believe in Jesus, messenger of the Divine Word,
bringer of healing, heart of Divine compassion,
bright star in the firmament of the Holy One's
prophets, mystics, and saints.

We believe that we are called to follow Jesus
as a vehicle of divine love,
a source of wisdom and truth,
and an instrument of peace in the world.

We believe in the Spirit of the Holy One,
the life that is our innermost life,
the breath moving in our being,
the depth living in each of us.

We believe that the Divine kin-dom is here and now,
stretched out all around us for those
with eyes to see it, hearts to receive it,
and hands to make it happen.


We thank you for Jesus, beacon of love and wisdom, offering us a perspective of openness and service to others. We are grateful for this bread and wine which reminds us of the call to spread the good news of love in our world and reminds us of our call to renew and be renewed. We seek new visions and understandings of our Church in her openness to the needs of the people of God.

Liturgy of the Eucharist

adapted from Diarmuid O’Murchu

Joan P:  With open hands let us pray our Eucharistic Prayer together:


Holy and gracious One, source and sustenance of life, redeeming presence to the pain and brokenness of our Church, we seek the strength of Divine Energy. SacredSpirit, who enlivens and inebriates all that exists, we seek your healing power upon us. Down through the ages, you rescue us from darkness. You light up our ways with wise and holy people. You restore our spirits, and you revive our dwindling hope.


May the Spirit of life and wholeness transform us that we may be refreshed in our inner being and be empowered to bring mercy, love, and healing to those whose lives we touch.

Holy, Holy, Holy: Here in this Place –by Christopher Grundy


Prayer Before the Breaking of the Bread


Jerry: Holy One, you call us to speak truth to power. We will do so. 


Holy Oneyou call us to bring a message of hope to our Church, we will do so. 


Holy One You call us to be Your presence in our Church who needs to let go of power and control and return it to the “people of God.”, We will do so.


Joan P: Please extend your hands over your bread and cup


Come forth Sacred Spirit and be with us at our Eucharistic Table and send light and blessing upon the bread and wine which reminds us of our call to be the body of Christ in the world.


We share this bread and cup to proclaim and live the gospel of justice and peace. We choose to live justly, love tenderly, and walk with integrity.


Dotty:   On the night before Jesus died, He gathered for supper with the people closest to him. Like the least of household servants, he washed their feet, so that they would re-member him.


All lift their plates and pray the following:


When he returned to his place at the table, he lifted the bread, spoke the blessing, broke the bread, and offered it to them saying: 

Take and eat. This is my very self.



All lift their cups and pray the following:


Then he took the cup of the covenant, spoke the grace, and offered it to them saying:

Take and drink.

Whenever you remember me like this,

I am among you.



Luca: Through Jesus we have learned how to live. Through Jesus, we have learned how to love. Through Jesus we have learned how to serve. 

What we have heard with our ears, we will live in our lives; as we share communion, we will become communion, both Love’s nourishment and Love’s challenge.

Let us share Communion with one another with the words “Choose Hope.”

Communion:  Perfect Peace sung by Laura Story


Introductions --  Thanksgivings --  Announcements


In faith free of doubt we are sustained,
In grace our dignity reclaimed,
In praise we thank our God.


Joan M:  Grant that we may strive to create a Church and a world where hope is embraced, where suffering and pain are diminished, where justice and peace are restored, and where all people can live in health and wholeness, united in acclaiming the Spirit of life, whose abundance is offered to each and to all, until the Kin-dom is recognized as already here with those who have the wisdom to see it. 

This prayer we make in the name of Sacred Spirit our sources of life, love, and goodness, now and forever.  Amen.


Luca: Together, let us pray as Jesus taught: 


O Holy One, who is within, around and among us,

We celebrate your many names.

Your Wisdom come.

Your will be done, unfolding from the depths within us.

Each day you give us all we need.

You remind us of our limits, and we let go.

You support us in our power, and we act with courage.

For you are the dwelling place within us, the empowerment around us, and the celebration among us, now and forever.  Amen (Miriam Therese Winter)




Maryal: Let us raise our hands and bless each other.


Holy One, we to choose to support and challenge one another at this time in history as we pray for the conversion of our broken Church


Holy One, we choose to renew our Church in providing love and compassion for those who live on the margins and are rejected by the Church that is their birthright. 


Holy One, we bless one another and support one another in hope that our Church embrace the power of the people and cease and desist its tyranny.

We go forth from our gathering today continuing to live the mission and ministry of Jesus.


Let us all go in peace.  

Let it be So


Closing Song: Learning To Sit with not Knowing - By Carrie Newcomer







If you would like to add your intercessions to our MMOJ

Community Prayers book, please send email to:


If you would like to invite another person to attend 

Liturgy, please refer them to: where the weekly liturgy is posted. Zoom instructions are also included there.


Please support our community. Send check to:

Mary Mother of Jesus Inclusive Catholic Community

5342 Clark Rd.

Sarasota, FL 34233



Mary Mother of Jesus Inclusive Catholic Community, Holy Thursday - April 17, 2025 ,Presiders: Bridget Mary Meehan, ARCWP, and Suzanne Bires , Reader Jerry Bires and Prayer Leader Jim Brandi, IT: Cheryl Brandi,

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