
Thursday, November 23, 2023

Presiders: Dotty Shugrue and Joan Pesce Readers: Suzanne and Jerry Bires Prayer Leaders: Jim Brandi and Joan Meehan IT Director: Cheryl Brandi ​​​​


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Meeting ID: 934 7370 8926

Passcode: 552967

Opening Song:  Colors of The Wind - Vanessa Williams (Lyric Video)


Gathering Prayer


Dotty:  As we share this Liturgy let us be calm, be still in the truth knowing that the Cosmic Christ is consistently and always becoming known to us. 

We find peace and comfort in our new knowledge of the expanding universe as Christ is a real part of all that we are.The Cosmic Christ is forever changing and expanding time and the totality of our Universe.


Let us wish one another Peace as we enter into thisCelebration


 Namaste, Namaste, Namaste 


Joan P.  Transformation Rite:  Called to be Transformed


Called to see that the same divine presence that lived in Jesus lives also in me: Open my eyes that I may see.


Called to respond to the cries of our broken world, the destruction of life, of land of our earthOpen my mind that I may listen.


Called to respect differences and accept individual choicesOpen my heart that I may love.


We are transformed because we believe.


Jerry Bires - First Reader: A reflection on The Hymn of the Universe written by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin


Pierre Teilhard de Chardin was a person of many gifts who made a significant contribution at the interface of faith and reason as a Jesuit priest, mystic, theologian and scientist, and as an exile and a seer far into the future. He made a conscious decision to develop a theology using the language of science that links the cosmic, the human and the spiritual.


As a scientist he explored humanity’s early beginnings and our place in the ever-unfolding sweep of evolution. As a philosopher and theologian, he developed a unique synthesis of science and religion based on an evolutionary understanding of what he called the ‘Cosmic Christ’ – the idea that the universe and everything in it is constantly moving towards to a point of perfection defined by unity and love.


Love is the energy of what he calls the divine milieu, the living context of each person’s relationship with God, with each other and with all of created reality. Each act of love, no matter how small or hidden, moves all of reality closer to full union; each act of non-love moves it further away. Therefore, the shape and form of human action is vital.


Prophets are usually lauded only after their death, and today we can name Teilhard de Chardin as a prophet of cosmic hope. His message is one of love at the heart of all reality, and love can never be vanquished. Humanity is assured that the world can still be created in love’s image.


This is a reflection on the prophetic work of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin


And the community responds:  AND SO IT IS!


Psalm 139


Hold Me Fast [Official Lyric Video]


SuzanneA Reading from The Universal Christ – Richard Rohr, OFM

“How God Keeps Creation both Good and New” 


God keeps creating things from the inside out, so they are forever yearning, developing, growing, and changing for the good. This is the fire he has cast upon the earth, the generative force implanted in all living things, which grows things both from within—because they are programmed for it—and from without—by taking in sun, food, and water.

If we see the Eternal Christ Mystery as the symbolic Alpha Point for the beginning of what we call “time,” we can see that history and evolution indeed have an intelligence, a plan, and a trajectory from the very start. Jesus, who appears in the middle of history, assures us that Spirit is leading us somewhere good and positive, all crucifixions to the contrary. Spirit has been leading us since the beginning of time, but now Spirit includes us in the process of unfolding. This is the opportunity offered us as humans, and those who ride this Christ train are meant to be the “New Humanity.” Christ is both the Divine Radiance at the Beginning Big Bang and the Divine Allure drawing us into a positive future. We are thus bookended in a Personal Love—coming from Love, and moving toward and evermore inclusive Love. This is the Christ Omega! (Rev 1:6).


These are the inspired words of Richard Rohr,


And the community responds: AND SO IT IS!


Celtic Alleluia:



Joan P:  The Gospel is taken from the one called John, disciple and prophet,

Chapter 1: verses 1-15. (Women’s Lectionary for the Whole Church)


In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The Word was with God in the beginning. Everything came into being through the Word, and without the Word not one thing came into being that came into being. What has come into being in the Word was life, and that life was the light of all people. The light shines in the bleakness, and the bleakness did not overtake it.


There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. He came as a witness to testify to the light, so that all might believe through him. He himself was not the light, but he came to testify to the light. The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world.


He was in the world, and the world was created through him; yet the world did not know him. To his own he came and his own did not receive him. But to all who did accept him, who believed in his name, he empowered to become children of God—that is, those who were born, not of blood or of the will of the flesh or of the will of a human person, but of God.


And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of a parent’s only child, full of grace and truth.


These are the inspired words of the disciple and prophet called John.

And the people respond:  AND SO IT IS


Shared Homily




Jim B.    We believe in the Cosmic Christ, a divine mysterybeyond all definition and rational understanding,
the heart of all that has ever existed,
that exists now, or that ever will exist.


We believe in Jesus, messenger of the Divine Word,
bringer of healing, heart of Divine compassion,
bright star in the firmament of the Holy One's
prophets, mystics, and saints.


We believe that we are called to follow Jesus
as a vehicle of divine love,
a source of wisdom and truth,
and an instrument of peace in the world.


We believe in the Spirit of the Holy One,
the life that is our innermost life,
the breath moving in our being,
the depth living in each of us.

We believe that the Divine kin-dom is here and now,
stretched out all around us for those
with eyes to see it, hearts to receive it,
and hands to make it happen.

We believe in the Cosmic Christ, the everlasting Presence,

within the Universe.


Joan M.    Prayers of the Community:


As we prepare for this sacred meal, we share those things that concern us, that bring sadness in our lives, that we may find strength and comfort from one another. We seek to be one with the Cosmic Christ whose healing power is ours if we believe. We voice our intentions today as we pray….


We bring to the table our broken world and we hold the children and families with love who are living in horror and terror because of war. 


We bring to the table our troubled leaders who are dividing our country as they continue to refuse to listen to oneanother and make the decisions that our country needs at this time in history. Enlighten them to truth instead of personal power.


We bring to the table those we love who need healing. We assure them that we hold them in our hearts and pray constantly that they will feel our love and gather strength from us by knowing we travel with them on their journey of healing.


We remember all the intentions in the MMOJ Book of Prayer requests.

And for what else should we pray…


We make these prayers believing in the power and presence of the Cosmic Christ.



Christ Has No Body Now But Yours” (Ogden: 1v) [with lyrics for congregations]


Joan P:  Christ of the Cosmos, we give thanks for our growing understanding of You.  We find nourishment from your Energy of which we are a part. We awaken your Spirit within us and within our whole universe. 

We are moved to deep faith recognizing the that you are manifested in all life. We will share our growing understandings that we are the loving Real Presence of Christ in the world. We seek ways to invite other on this journey of discovery and peace. We find strength in our ministry to others. Christ within us we believe, Christ around uswe believe, Christ behind us and within all of creation, we believe. We are in your hands in our world.  


As your people, we gather in the power of your Spirit. As followers of Jesus, we seek to live as wise and holy Spirit-filled people: courageous, prophetic, ever hopeful and hope-filled as we answer your call to serve one another.


We invoke Your Spirit upon these gifts of this Eucharistic table, bread of the grain and wine of the grape, that they may become gifts of wisdom, light and truth which remind us of our call to be the body of Christ to the world.


Holy, Holy, Holy: Here in This Place by Christopher Grundy


Dotty: Christ of the Cosmos, we give thanks for our growing understanding of You.  We find nourishment from your Energy of which we are a part. We awaken your Spirit within us and within our whole universe. 



Christ of the Cosmos, we are here to do your work on our earth.  Guide us, protect us, give us courage to do what you ask of us in living the mission of Jesus. We seek to journey as Jesus did in his time as we re-create the living presence of a love that models justice. We live with compassion, seeking to heal and to be healed, to liberate and to be liberated in your name as we continue to be messengers of light and love and healing.


Holding your hands over the bread and wine we pray:


We are ever aware of your Spirit in us and among us at this Eucharistic table and we call blessings on this bread, grain of the fields and this wine fruit of the vine.


On the night before he faced his own death, Jesus sat at supper with his companions, the women and men whom he loved.  He reminded them of all that he taught them, and to fix that memory clearly with them, he bent down and washed their feet. 


All lift your plate of bread and pray:


When he returned to his place at the table, he lifted the bread, spoke the blessing, broke the bread and offered it to them saying: 

Take and eat, this is my very self.   




All lift your cup of wine and pray:


Then Jesus lifted the cup of the new covenant, spoke the grace, and offered it to them saying:

Take and drink.

Whenever you remember me like this,

I am among you.



We share this bread and cup to proclaim and live the gospel of justice and peace. We choose to live justly, love tenderly, and walk with integrity.

What we have heard with our ears, we will live with our lives, 

as we share communion, we will become communion

both Love’s nourishment and Love’s challenge.


   Receive the Bread and Wine at your table with the words: You are the Body of the Cosmic Christ!


Communion Meditation/Song:  Visual of Earths Vibrations



Aramaic version, the language that Jeshua (Jesus) spoke. Aramaic is a language of vibration, and the prayer is a practice of attuning to the divine, becoming one with the source of all creation. It is an extraordinary practice for personal transformation!


Aramaic The Prayer of Jesus


Jim B.  Cosmic Christ we believe you are the Divine within us. We believe that you live in fullness with us. We will be your Body and your Hands in our world.  LET IT BE SO


Introductions  Thanksgivings - Announcements


Jim B.  Blessing:  Let us raise our hands and bless each other.


May we seek truth boldly and love deeply.

May we welcome opportunities to share an understanding of who the Cosmic Christ is in our world, in all of life, in all creation and in our ever-expanding Universe.

May we continue to be the face of the Sacred Onethe body and hands of the Living Christ. 


May we continue to be a blessing in our times to all those we meet on our journey.


Closing Song: Sing! American Music Festival Choir with Children





If you would like to add your intercession to our MMOJ Community Prayers book,

Please send an email to


If you would like to invite another person to attend our liturgy, please refer them to our website:

where the day’s liturgy is found. Zoom instructions are also included there.


Please send donations to:

Mary Mother of Jesus Inclusive Catholic Community
5342 Clark Road #3079
Sarasota, FL 34233


Friday, November 17, 2023

Mary, Mother of Jesus Inclusive Catholic Community 33rd Sunday in Extra-ordinary Time November 18, 2023 Presiders: Cathy Alexander and Elena Garcia ARCWP Readers: Bob Ferkenhoff and Andrea Seabaugh IT: Cheryl Brandi Music Minister: Linda Lee Miller


Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 934 7370 8926

Passcode: 552967

Theme: Response-Ability


(Cathy )   Welcome to our Zoom liturgy at Mary Mother of Jesus, an inclusive Catholic Community where all are welcome. 

We invite you to pray the liturgy and respond where it says “All.” 

-All participants will be muted during the liturgy except for the presiders and readers. 

-Please have bread and wine/juice nearby as we pray our Eucharistic prayer.


Whoever you are, 

Wherever you are, 

Just as you are, 

You are welcome at this table. (Integral Christianity by Paul Smith)


(Elena)  Today’s readings might be summarized in one word: RESPONSIBILITY. Each of us might  use this  time of worship to reflect on the things for which we have been responsible in the past. Now as we find ourselves in a different season of life, we are conscious that our responsibilities are different.  What remains constant however is the expectation that we will use our time wisely, put our talents to good use and serve the needs of our sisters and brothers everywhere.  Let us now take a few minutes to collect ourselves as we prepare to focus our minds and our hearts on this theme and our knowledge that we, aone, have been calledtogether at this moment in time to transform ourselves and our world through love: love for our Holy One: love for our neighbors, love for ourselves, and love for our planet.  Let us begin our liturgy by expressing this love through song. 

Gathering Song: At This Table by Idina Menzel video by Denise                                                             



(Bob ) In the name of our Creator, Jesus our brother, and Holy Spirit Wisdom, we gather to celebrate our oneness with and in you and in all things.  This Great Mystery is the foundation and template for the entire universe, and when fully experienced, has the capacity to change everything. We seek to fully understand this Great Mystery, but more importantly to understand how we live it in our lives.  Let our ears hear, our eyes see, and our hearts receive as we remember and expand the power of love on Earth.  During these dark days,Infinite One, we live with the certainty that you walk with us. As we continue to awaken to the fullness of grace consciousnessand an awareness,that, as Your children, we are all blessed with theability to respond as one people, one planet, one universe with unconditional love toward all living things. 



(Cathy)  We pause now to remember the times we have not born fruit in caring for self and others. Take a moment to recall one missed opportunity, one broken or damaged relationship.  (Pause briefly and extend your hand over your heart)


(Cathy anAll)  As we ask for and receive forgiveness, we open our hearts to Infinite Love embracing and healing us. Let it be so, Yes, Alleluia

Glory to God -  Marty Haugen

(video by Bridget Mary Meehan and Mary T Streck)



(Andrea ) First Reading: An Introduction to The Book of Proverbs

Many people think that what’s written in the Bible has mostly to do with getting people into heaven-----getting right with God, saving their eternal souls. It does have to do with that, of course, but not mostly. It is equally concerned with living on this earth---living well, living in robust sanity. In our Scriptures, heaven is not the primary concern, to which earth is a tagalong afterthought.  “On earth as it is in heaven”  is Jesus’ prayer.

“Wisdom” is the biblical term for this on-earth-as-it-is-in-heaven everyday living.  Wisdom is the art of living skillfully in whatever actual conditions we find ourselves. It has virtually nothing to do with information as such, with knowledge as such. A college degree is no certification of wisdom---nor is it primarily concerned with keeping us out of moral mud puddles, although it does have a profound moral effect on us. 

Wisdom has to do with becoming skillful in honoring our parents and raising our children, handling our money and conducting our sexual lives, going to work and exercising leadership, using words well and treating friends kindly, eating and drinking healthily, cultivating emotions within ourselves and attitudes toward others that make for peace. Threaded through all these items is the insistence that the way we think of and respond to God is the most practical thing we do. In matters of everyday practicality, nothing, absolutely nothing, takes precedence over God.

Proverbs concentrates on these concerns more than any other book in the Bible. Attention to the here and now is everywhere present in the stories and legislation, the prayers and the sermons, that are spread over the thousands of pages of the Bible.  Proverbs distills it all into riveting images and aphorisms that keep us connected in holy obedience to the ordinary.

These are the inspired words of Eugene H. Peterson as written for the Book of Proverbs in “THE MESSAGE”


Sung Response:More Light - Christopher Grundy


(Bob ) Second Reading: “Consider Jesus” by Elizabeth Johnson, page 126,(2)                                                                          We are united with God in Jesus by being in compassionate solidarity with those who suffer. If God is there, resisting evil and willing life wherever people are being damaged, then the followers of Jesus must enter into the same solidarity. There is a traditional axiom which claimsthat to live a good ethical life one must “do good and avoid evil.” The emphasis shifts today, slightly but very dramatically, to make us realize that this is not enough…..For in the light of the compassion of God revealed in Jesus, we must “do good and resistevil.” There is a call to the Christian conscience here not to hide our face from evil, not to walk around it, or pretend it is not there; but to face its massiveness in spite of our feelings of powerlessness or insignificance and to become involved in transforming it. Suffering people are the privileged place where the God of compassion is to be found.                                                                                                                                                                   These are the inspired word of Elizabeth Johnson, and we respond by saying,     All: AMEN

Alleluia (Eightfold) – Jan Phillips



(Elena)  Gospel ReadingMatthew 25: 14-18

Jesus told his disciples this parable: A man going on an extended trip, called his servants together and delegated responsibilities. To one he gave five thousand dollars, to another two thousand , to a third one thousand, depending on their abilities. Then he left. Right off, the first servant went to work and doubled his master’s investment. The second did the same. But the man with the single thousand dug a whole and carefully buried his master’s money. 

After a long absence, the master of those three servants came back and settled up with them. The one given five thousand dollars showed him how he had doubled his investment. His master commended him: ‘Good work! You did your job well. From now on be my partner.’ 

The servant with the two thousand showed how he also had doubled his master’s investment. His master commended him: ‘Good work! You did your job well. From now on be my partner. The servant given one thousand said: ‘Master, I know you have high standards and hate careless ways, that you demand the best and make no allowances for error. I was afraid I might disappoint you , so I found a good hiding place and secured your money. Here it is, safe and sound down to the last cent.’

The master was furious. That’s a terrible way to live! It’s criminal to live cautiously like that! If you knew I was after the best, why did you do less than the least? The least you could have done was to invest the sum with the bankers, where at least I would have gotten a little interest.’  ‘Take the thousand and give it to the one who risked the most. And get rid of this “play-it-safe” who won’t go out on a limb. Throw him out in utter darkness.

These are the inspired words of the Gospel writer,Matthew and we affirm them by saying,   All: AMEN


Alleluia (Eightfold) – Jan Phillips





(Bob and All)   We believe in one God, a divine mystery beyond all definition and rational understanding, the heart of all that has ever existed, that exists now, or that ever will exist. 

We believe in Jesus, messenger of God's Word, bringer of God's healing, heart of God's compassion, bright star in the firmament of God's prophets, mystics, and saints. 

We believe that we are called to follow Jesus as a vehicle of God's love, a source of God's wisdom and truth, and an instrument of God's peace in the world.

We believe that God's kin-dom is here and now, stretched out all around us for those with eyes to see it, hearts to receive it, and hands to make it happen.



(AndreaWe now bring our prayer intentions to the Table.


Our response is: Holy One, walk with us as we grow in response-ability.


~We pray for all those who have died as a result of the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East.  We pray for those who are suffering and still missing.  R

~We pray for all who are suffering, lonely, and without faith or hope.  R

~We pray for all those suffering as a result of the natural disasters taking place on our planet.  R

~We Pray for all the intentions in the silence of our hearts. R


We pray for all the intentions in our MMOJ community prayer list. (Joan shares)

Response: Holy One, walk with us as we grow in response-ability. 


And, for what else should we pray?      Response: Holy One, walk with us as we grow in response-ability. 


(Andrea) Holy Mystery may we respond to the needs of our sisters and brothers in loving prayer and solidarity. Amen


Here is My Life by Joe Wise




(Cathy)   Gracious God, you have set the banquet table and have invited all of us to a feast of unending delight.   Blessed are You, Holy One, through Your divine providence we have this bread, to share, the Bread of Life.                                         

(Cathy and All)  Blessed are You, Holy One, forever.  


Andrea)  Blessed are You, O Loving One through Your divine providence we have this wine to share, our spiritual drink. 

(Andrea and All)  Blessed are, You, Holy One, forever.


(Bob)  Let us lift up our hearts.

(Bob and All)  We lift them up to the Holy One, living in us and loving through us.  



(Elena)   Gracious Wisdom, you embrace us with your extravagant affection in our times of both blessedness and weakness.  Even though we have times of doubt, we know You are always with us…you living in us and we living in you.  In this festive meal, your Spirit is poured out on each of us gathered in the circle of your friends and disciples, we also ask that your Spirit be spread to those of our community who are not with us today.

Let us rejoice as we sing: All:  Holy, Holy, Holy Linda Lee Miller

(adapted from Holy, Holy, Holy by Karen Drucker)


(Cathy)   We thank you for the gift of Jesus of Nazareth in history -- and the gift of Jesus in faith. On earth, his life burned with the vision of his mission on earth. Through the example of his life – his teachings and actions - he showed us not only how we should live, but also what was worth even dying for. 

(Elena)  When his time on earth had come to an end, Jesus – aware of and accepting his destiny – gave us his life for the values that he deeply believed, lived and taught…his conviction that love is stronger than death.  And then, in providing an example of this wisdom for all people in ages to come, he opened wide his arms…and died.  And the spirit that lived in Jesus resurrected him to a new life, a promise made to all of us, too, who live the new story.  Jesus is with us today and he will be through the end of time.

(With an outstretched arm, we pray the consecration together.  

We remember the gift that Jesus gave us on the night before he died.  He gathered with his friends to share a final Passover meal.  And it was at that supper that Jesus took bread, said the blessing and shared it with them saying: take this, all of you, and eat it.  This bread is you; this bread is me.  We are one body, the presence of God in the world. When you do this, remember me and all that I have taught you.  This is the new and everlasting covenant.  

          [short pause]

(Bob)  In the same way, Jesus took a cup of wine, said the blessing and gave it to his friends saying: take this, all of you, and drink it.  This wine is you; this wine is me.  We are one blood, the presence of God in the world.  When you do this, remember me and all that I have taught you. This is the new and everlasting covenant.

(Cathy)   Jesus, who was with God “in the beginning of the creation of the heavens and the earth,” is with us now in this bread. The Spirit, of whom the prophets spoke in history, is with us now in this cup.  Let us proclaim this mystery of faith.

(Cathy and All)   Jesus has died.  Christ is risen.  The Divine Presence lives in us and through us in the world today.

(Elena)  God, we know that you bless your church throughout the world. We, your people, ask for your grace that we may continually grow in our love and caring for Francis, our Pope, Bridget Mary, our Bishop and for everyone with whom we come in contact, especially those who live on the margins of church and society. They are all our brothers and sisters, members of your Blessed Family.  We remember also all those, living and dead, who touched our lives and left their footprints on our hearts.  We remember especially….(mention names here, if you would like to..) 

(Elena and All)   We believe that the Spirit of God is at work in and among us and will do more than we could ever ask or imagine.  We believe that it is through Christ, with Christ, and in Christ, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, that all glory and honor is yours, Creator God, forever and ever.  

Great Amen: Linda Lee Miller





(Andrea)   Let us pray as Jesus taught us. 

(Andrea and All)   O Holy One, you are within, around, and among us.

We celebrate your many names.  Your wisdom come, your will be done, unfolding from the depths within us.  Each day you give us all we need.  You remind us of our limits, and we let go.  You support us in your power, and we act with courage.  For you are the dwelling place within us, the empowerment around us, and the celebration among us, now and forever.  Amen

Adapted, Miriam Therese Winter, MMS



(Bob)   Eternal wellspring of peace-

May we be drenched with the longing for peace

That we may give ourselves over

As the earth to the rain, to the dew,

Until peace overflows our lives

As living waters overflow the seas.  (Marcia Falk)


Jesus said to his disciples, “My peace I leave you.  My peace I give you.”  Let us now extend a sign of peace to one another as we say, “Namaste, Namaste, Namaste.”


(Cathy) Please join in praying the Litany for the Breaking of the Bread:

(Cathy and All) Holy One, You call us to speak truth to power; we will do so.

Holy One, You call us to live the Gospel of healing and justice; we will do so. 

Holy One, You call us to be Your presence in the world; we will do so.


(Andrea) This is the bread of life and the cup of blessing. Blessed are we who are called to Christ’s table.  

(Andrea and All)  May we live as the Body of Christ in the world, serving all in need, especially those living on the margin.                          


(Andrea) Please receive/share Eucharist now, saying: “You are the bread of life.” And “You are the cup of compassion.”


Communion Song:  There is only Love by Karen Drucker







(Cathy) A Prayer for Peace

For those who are fleeing: sanctuary

For those who are staying: safety

For those who are fighting: peace

For those whose hearts

are breaking: comfort

For those who see no future: hope

(Cathy and All)  Amen



(Elena) And together with our arms extended to one another as together we say this Native American Blessing: 

May the sun

Bring new energy by day.

May the moon

Softly restore you by night.

May the rain

Wash sway your worries.

May the breeze

Blow new strength into your being

May you walk

Gently through the world and know

Its beauty all the days of your life. – Apache Prayer

All:  Thanks be to God.  Let it be so!     




CLOSING SONG: We Shall Be Known-

created by Michelle Sherliza



If you would like to add your intercession to our MMOJ Community Prayers book,

Please send an email to


If you would like to invite another person to attend our liturgy please refer them to where the day’s liturgy is found. Zoom instructions are also included there.


Please support our community, send your check to:

Mary Mother of Jesus Inclusive Catholic Community
5342 Clark Road #3079
Sarasota, FL 34233



MMOJ Seventh Sunday of Extraordinary Time, Feb. 22, 2025, Presiders: Bridget Mary Meehan and Suzanne Bires Reader: and Prayer Leader Mary Montanvon and Jack McKillip, IT: Cheryl Brandi and Mike Rigdon

  Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 934 7370 8926 Passcode: 552967 Theme:  Bu...